Yesterday, in the mail, I received an invitation to attend my 30th High School Reunion. How freakin' weird is that? I really can't be that old, can I?
I guess that means that now...I'm...Middle..Aged?
It doesn't even sound right. I don't feel that way. I just can't believe time has gone away so quickly.... I should still be 18 or 25 or so (I wish, I wish, I wish!)
Being a teen to young adult in the 70's - 80's was so fun in Arkansas. We would all meet for lunch at a local Pizza Parlor; because we were in GED and got out of school around 11:30. I didn't have to be at work until 6:00 at the local Sears Store.
We had a couple of local swimming holes (creeks) that was the party spot on a certain day...the gravel pit, Lake Sylvia, Hollowells. We'd meet everyone down at the "T-Pot" (Trains, Planes and Other Things) on Friday/Saturday nights. Or, we head out to some really seculuded spot (which now is someones business or a Kroger) and build big bon fires. Someone would crank up their car stereo and we'd party until dawn.
A couple of summers, my husband (at the time - my boyfriend) and I would load up his GTO and take off to West Texas to visit his favorite Uncle, Mike and Christine in Big Spring. No plans, No reservations, No worries.
We'd take Tim's 4 wheel drive, and climb up mountains and drive through big mud ditches. Sometimes, I'm surprised we didn't roll the truck over or bury it so deep we got out in China.
When he got his Kawasaki motorcycle, we'd take off on it and ride around North Arkansas on any given weekend. Again, no plans, no reservations. Just strapped a coupled of sleeping bags on the bike and take an extra pair of jeans and underwear. We'd sleep on the ground - anywhere. And stop at a washateria in some small town to wash our jeans for the next day.
And, then, I was talking with my mom about how NOW, when my husband and I go on trips - that I MUST have a soft bed, and running - hot and cold water; everyday.
There is no way that I could ride a motorcycle for 8 hours, then throw a sleeping bag down for the night, get up - without a bath - and take off for another 8 hours.
Friday, April 25, 2008
No Plans, No Reservations, No Worries.....
Thursday, April 24, 2008
How is your memory?
I've got a few questions, and only if you grew up where I grew up will you know the answers....
I drove around the loop today. It's unbelievable how our surroundings have changed so much. It got me to thinking about the years while I was growing up. All the Bisbee's who lived on the west side are now gone. The houses have been excavated and the only thing left are some trees and the telphone pole that went to Uncle Pat and Aunt Leenie's mobile home. (And, the deep hidden secret - underground.)
As I was driving back to work and on my way home, I thought about all the many changes to the area that I have always called HOME. See if you can remember....
1. What was the name of the store that is now LaPalapa?
2. What was the name of the store that was on the East end of the Loop?
3. What was King's One Stop before it was King's?
4. What was the place where Leisure Arts is now?
5. What was the name of the store that was next to Uncle Butch's/Uncle Frank's Station on the west side? Then, what was on the east side?
6. What was located where McAlisters' and Izzy's are now?
7. What was the name of the Mountain behind the Loop?
8. Where did we all go to vacation bible school?
9. What kind of gas did Uncles' Butch and Frank sell?
10.What was the name of the cafe located just west of Joe T?
11. What was sitting between Aunt Dorothy's house and Grandma & Grandpa's house when we were very small?
12. Why was it taking your life into your own hands, if you wanted to walk down the lane to Lynne & Marnita's house?
13. What kind of tree was in Aunt Lillian's back yard?
14. What kind of fruit tree did grandma have in her front yard - before they cut it down?
15. Where did Mike, Cheryl and Pam go to elementary school?
16. Where was the other station that Uncle Butch opened up?
Scroll down to see the answers:
1. Stone's Market
2. Rainey's
3. Nub's One Stop
4. Glen Johnson's Ranch
5. Moran's to the west, and Gilliam's Bros to the east.
6. The Optimist Club, where we all played softball.
7. Shinault - which is how my daddy said it and spelled it - NOT CHENAL.
8. Nalls Babtist Church.
9. Champion
10. Fletcher's Cafe.
11. There was an old rock - water well and PaPa's old jeep, which everytime I climb up on it, I got black stuff all over me.
12. Because, Leonard had two big black dogs that chased us when we walked by Aunt Stell's house.
13. A weeping willow, that hung so low that it was a secret haven in the area next to the trunk.
14. A peach tree.
15. Dupree Elem. in Jacksonville.
16. Across Highway 10 from Stones Market.
How many did you know?